The SHEP AI Project

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Documentation and papers


Item Date released Item Date released
AI research 2020 Python chatbot Library 2020
V 0.0.4 documentation 2017 V 0.0.4 2017
Chatbot project proposal for University 15/08/2020
Python ANN 01/05/2020
Self learning chatbot paper 15/08/2020 V0.0.9 2020
Calendar library client 27/01/2021
ChatBot virtual assistant 27/01/2021


Genetic algorithms vs brute force 14/02/2020
Examining How Network Architecture Affects Performance of Reinforcement Learning 10/04/2021
Examining How the Mutation Rate Effects the Performance of a Genetic Algorithm 11/03/2021
Undergraduate Thesis - Bio-Inspired Robotic Navigation On Varied Terrain 2022

The Python Library provides developers with the tools to make their very own AI system. Find out more...
SHEP V_0.0.4 is an old version of SHEP. Although now unused, the code gives insight into how SHEP was made.
The Arduino code is still in development. It is designed to take in a series of hardware inputs and organize them. It essentially does what the Python Library does but for embedded Arduino systems.